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Moment of Clarity

Discovering What It Means To Find Life In Jesus

A Commission of Compassion

Date: Sunday, June 14, 2020

Our reading this week comes from Matthew’s gospel. It is the call of the first disciples and the message that they are commissioned to carry out for others to hear. The message is simple: The kingdom of God is at hand. God is real. God is present. God is near to us, in us, around us, alive and powerful. There was no requirement to memorize a bunch of passages from the Bible or some long confession of faith statement. Their original message was very simple: the power and presence of God is alive, near and around you.

Then these first disciples were given a simple method to carry this out. They are told to go to the needy, the sick and the disabled. Go to the people who have a real felt need for God’s help in their lives. They are told to simply go to those around them who have obvious needs for God’s power and presence to help them in their time of need.

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