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Moment of Clarity

Discovering What It Means To Find Life In Jesus

Scattered Seeds

Date: July 16, 2017

By: Rev. Lorrie Daly-Price

This Sunday at Heritage we meet a different kind of caregiver of the land, a rather peculiar one. I say this because usually when we hear about the work of a farmer they know about the soil. Certainly being out here in this farming community, there are many who have worked the land in your families for generations. You know good soil from bad soil and what you need to do to keep it that way.

Well, the sower from our reading in Matthew’s Gospel does not seem to follow along with the practices that farmers would follow. I am sure it would come across as wasteful and even foolish to those who first heard this. For we are told that quite apart from the best agricultural practices, this sower throws seeds on a well-worn path where birds can eat them, on rocky ground where it is unlikely that they will grow, and among thorns that will choke them.

I don’t know about you but I think it seems pretty obvious that this sower is anything but a good businessperson. He seems quite happy to just toss seeds everywhere and anywhere. Why does he do this?

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