Peace Be With You
Shalom aleichem. The days following Jesus persecution, death and resurrection were tumultuous. Jesus’ friends and devout followers must have been devastated and grieving. In our Gospel reading this week from John 20:19-31, we hear of the disciples locked in a room because they were afraid of the Temple authorities—so the local troubles continue. Suddenly appearing before them is Jesus in the room, and saying, “Peace be with you.” But Thomas doubts that Jesus has risen from the dead, because he was not with the disciples when Jesus first appeared. Jesus appears to the disciples again, and Thomas is present and now believes because he can see, and feel the wounds in Jesus’ hand, feet and side. These twelve short verses talk about doubt and faith, peace and blessings of shalom, as well as the gift of the Holy Spirit—a wondrous gift given to us, even to this day.