You Are Part of the Family
The readings this morning have a thing or two to say about family. Who do we consider to be family? Who do we turn to when we need help?...
Experience the Mystery
This week we hear a reading from the gospel of John about a man named Nicodemus. Nicodemus was one of Israel’s teachers and leaders....
The Gifts of the Spirit
This week get ready for an adventure! Put on your helmet, strap on your seat belt and get ready for mighty wind or a persistent calling!...
The Ascension of Jesus
This week we hear about the Ascension of Jesus. Can you imagine what a spectacular sight it was? Exactly as promised, Jesus ascended into...
Love One Another
This week’s reading comes from the Gospel of John. A reading that if you take the time to count the word love or loved you will find it...
Staying Connected
Last week we reflected on the image of Jesus as the good shepherd and us as the wandering, stubborn sheep. This week the image used draws...
Tender Compassion
A mother was once asked by a census taker how many children she had. She replied, “Well there’s Nathan, Daniel and Elisha and…” Never...
Presence Matters
This week we hear about Cleopas and Simon who are heading to Emmaus from the gospel of Luke. Jesus walks along with them, his identity...
Peace Be With You
Shalom aleichem. The days following Jesus persecution, death and resurrection were tumultuous. Jesus’ friends and devout followers must...
Easter Joy
Jesus Christ is risen today! The tomb where he lay is empty. On that first Easter morning Mary comes to the tomb while it is still dark....