Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday Jesus resolves to ride into Jerusalem and expose himself publicly, even though he realizes the dangers he will face since the...
During the Jewish feast of Passover, some Greeks arrive in town and approach Philip. They come with a request that the disciples must...
Let us Live Love
The passage from John‘s gospel that we hear this week begins in the midst of Jesus’ nighttime conversation with Nicodemus. Nicodemus has...
Cleaning House
This morning we hear a story from John’s gospel that takes place in a courtyard the size of a football field. This is part of a complex...
What's It Worth to You?
In this week’s Gospel reading from Mark, Jesus predicts his death for the first time. “The Son of Man must undergo great suffering,”...
Into the Wilderness
On this first Sunday of Lent our reading from Mark’s gospel is about a long and treacherous stintin the wilderness. Unlike his...
A Mountaintop Experience for Us All
It has been said that Science teachers never tire of that moment when a student first looks into a microscope. What had seemed like...
I Will Raise You Up
In our reading from Mark’s gospel we find Jesus after a long day of preaching in the synagogue, healing a man who had been possessed by...
Jesus is in the House!
In our reading from Mark’s gospel Jesus encounters a man with an unclean spirit. In ancient times, mental health issues were often...
Ordinary People for an Extraordinary Calling
This week we hear the call of the first four disciples from Mark’s gospel. After forty days in the wilderness, Jesus begins his ministry...