A Time of Decision
This week we read the saga of the bridesmaids from Matthew’s gospel. The tradition required the bridegroom to arrive at the home of the...

Life, Hope And Truth
This week we hear a reading from the gospel of Matthew known as the Beatitudes or the Sermon on the Mount. It is here that Jesus shares...

What's Love Got to Do With It?
This week is one of those biblical stories that may be very familiar to you. To us, Jesus is simply echoing what we know in our heart of...

Who Gets What?
In the reading this week from the gospel of Matthew, we are confronted with the Pharisees who are attempting to trap Jesus in his own...

Giving Thanks
This week in our gospel reading from Luke we find Jesus in a village between Galilee and Samaria. He has met a group of ten people with...

Tenants of God’s Blessings
This week in Matthew’s gospel we find a story within a story. A parable of Jesus that leaves us asking all sorts of questions. Here Jesus...

Walk the Talk
The reading we hear this week from Matthew’s gospel challenges us to walk the talk. In the reading, one brother talked the talk, while...

Humble Beginnings
In our reading from Matthew’s Gospel, the teachers of the day had been blinded by the laws and traditions of the past. They were not...

Me? Forgive You?
In our reading this week from Matthew’s gospel we hear Jesus’ best-known instructions on forgiveness. When Peter asks how many times...

Jesus Laughed Out Loud
In Matthew 4:18-23 we hear Jesus calling to Peter and his brother Andrew to leave their lives and livelihood behind and to follow him as...